Figure below shows the common types of simple-span bridge trusses. By varying the depth of a truss throughout its length (fig. c), forces in the chord members can be more nearly equalized and the forces in the web reduced.
Trusses of economical proportions usually result if the
angle between diagonals and verticals ranges from 450 to 600. However, if long-span trusses are made deep enough for adequate rigidity as
well for economy, a suitable slope of the diagonals may produce panels too long
for an economical floor system.
a) Pratt truss through bridge
b) Pratt truss deck bridge
d) Warren truss with verticals
f) Subdivided Pratt truss; known as Baltimore truss
g) Petit or Pennsylvania truss
h) K truss
Baltimore truss |
The subdivided panels of Baltimore and petit trusses (fig. f and g)
solve this problem. Certain objections to subdivided panels were overcome with
the invention of the K truss (fig. h).
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