The special characteristic of quicklime is its ability
to slake with water. When quicklime is mixed with from two to three times its
weight of water, a chemical reaction takes place. The calcium oxide combines
with water to form calcium hydroxide, and sufficient heat is evolved to bring
the entire mass to a boil. The resulting product is a suspension of finely divided
calcium hydroxide (and magnesium hydroxide or oxide if dolomitic lime is used)
in water. On cooling, the semifluid mass stiffens to a putty of such consistency
that it may be shoveled or carried in a hod. This slaked quicklime putty, when cooled
and preferably screened, is the material used in construction. Quicklime should
always be thoroughly slaked.
Foundation, Concrete and Earthquake Engineering
Quicklime is a very important material in many areas of industry, for example in construction or industrial area. Plus it has multiple production areas utilizades or quality.