How is Water Added to Concrete Mix in Mixing Process?

We all know the amount of water is very important to have perfect hydration of cement and water/cement ratio is one of the most important factors to control strength of concrete without influencing economy of mix. So the amount of water added to mix should be accurate and no loss of water is expected to have sound concrete mix.

Graduate bucket is the way in which water is added to concrete in liters. But now-a-days use of graduate bucket is becoming limited as it has possibility to water spillage. Now either vertical tank or horizontal tank is used to measure water. After each batch they are filled up. With this facilities water addition can be controlled to any desire quantities. In many cases, water supply includes water meters. With the help of water meter exact amount of water can be supplied to mixer. 

water flow meter for concrete mixer
The latest batching plants have microprocessor controlled sophisticated automatic arrangements to weigh batching. This provides not only exact amount of every constituents of concrete but also provides desire moisture content in aggregate. Sensitive sensor automatically measure moisture content and whenever it find inaccurate moisture content it takes corrective measures to deduct water in excess of desire amount. In many countries of the world this modern batching plants are working for last decade.


  1. Good to know about the water mixing in the batching plants.

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