How is Porosity Arisen Due to Excess Water in Concrete Mix?

Concrete mass is expected to be dense and heavy material. Concrete is a solid mass that are formed by bonding action of hydrated cement with aggregates in presence of water. The water is the component that makes concrete porous with the other facts. Here we will learn how water makes concrete porous.

During chemical reaction, named hydration, the concrete becomes mass like rock. In the chemical reaction the amount of water is very important. The amount of water is determined by the amount of cement used in mix proportioning. 

Porous ConcreteTo avoid many difficulties in mixing, placing and to facilitate compaction process in many critical placing conditions concrete are made workable by adding water in excess of that required for binding chemical reaction.

If with this excess water in concrete mix, it is placed and subsequently finished, the excess water try to come out from the mix and it succeeded in many ways. Most of excess water comes out through bleeding and rest moisture is removed from concrete by evaporation. This process leaves a concrete mass of having capillaries or small voids. The resulting concrete becomes a porous mass of low durability properties. Through this finished product vapor molecules and microscopic liquid have easy excess and the results are many impacts of deterioration of concrete and reinforcement embedded within it.

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