Constraints in Concrete Repair Work

Dear reader in last post we have discussed about structural safety issues in concrete repair work; we will learn here about constraints a repair project. The structural safety is itself a constraint; but how?

The answer is-considering structural safety we have to consider suitable supports to avoid failure of sick concrete structure, which impose an accessibility problem and also interrupt operation of existing facilities.

Accessibility problem due to supports for concrete repair

With structural safety some limitations may imposed by owner of respective structure, even from neighbor building in case of their safety issues and by contamination or disturbance by sound or dust. So an engineer has to be very careful in every steps of this repair operation.

The constraints as follows

Accessibility problem in crawl space for foundation repair

  • Access to structures to be repaired

  • Conflict with operation schedule of structure for both commercial/industrial structures; in case of residential structures often have to be depleted

  • Owners limitation

  • Weather

  • Design life of repaired structure

  • Noise during concrete removal and repair

  • Hazardous waste

Sometimes existing materials in structure and also repair material may produce constraint in concrete repair work. Environmental considerations are sometimes monumental or minimal for a particular project.

Many of these issues discussed above like noise, waste, design life etc. may be monitored by local agency according to law and owner himself also. Dear reader in our next post we will learn about basis of selection of repair method.

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