Why is Pumping Required in Concrete Placing?

Now-a-days ready mix concrete is a common and popular concrete production process. Pumping of such concrete to delivery point is very popular method of concrete placement. Here we will learn about the feasibility of pimping of concrete.

Concrete is a very viscous materials and our regular pumps have to be modified for this purpose. The economy of concrete pumping lies in uninterrupted pumping otherwise different problems arise and necessary remedial measures have to be taken which includes additional costs.

The advantages of concrete pumping are as follows:

a. In this system, we can deliver concrete over wide area.

b. Less accessible site can be covered.

c. Concrete can be supplied in special cases like tunnel lining.

d. Leave more available free space in the project site.

e. Double handling of concrete can be avoided as concrete can be delivered from mixer to required point directly.

f. The placing rate can be as that of nixing output; some time may be at rate of multiple outputs.

g. Separate transporting and subsequent placing equipment can be avoided. 

Dear reader we will discuss different aspect of economic pumping, necessary modification of concrete for this purpose, safety issues in operating concrete pump and placing will discussed in our upcoming posts; please stay with us.

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