What are Soil Cement Piles in Soil Stabilization?

In the recent posts we have discussed about soil compaction methods and different soil stabilization methods to improve the properties of foundation soil for expansive soils, collapsible soils and usual soil types. In this post we will discuss about soil cement piles. We will discuss about design process and other aspects of this method of soil stabilization in consecutive posts.

This method is relatively new in development in soil improvement. We will define this method as SCP (soil cement piles) for convenience of explanation. In SCP an especial drill bit is used for grinding and cutting of soils. During penetration, cement slurry with the addition of suitable additives, is injected. A shear blade is fixed above drill head that holds soil between this blade and drill to facilitate the mixing of cement slurry with soil. For this purpose the blade diameter is kept a bit larger than hole diameter so that the blade it can fix into the wall of bored hole.

An Excavated Soil Cement Piles

The drill is taken out when desire depth is reached, leaving a piles of soil cement. During withdrawal process, counter-rotation is rendered to have further blending of cement slurry that are injected during penetration and soil cutting.

This method of soil improvement is extremely rapid. The SCP of ranging (0.6-1)m diameter can be produced rapidly having up to a depth ranging from(1.5-10)m. A maximum depth limit of 35m is practical.

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