What are the Requirements for Air Entrainment in Fiber Reinforced Concrete?

Dear reader we will discuss this post according to ASTM C1116/C 1116M. We have published series of posts about fiber reinforced concrete in the last week. Here we will discuss about specification for air-entrainment. This must be made clear to reader that following specifications is applicable when general designed applicable specification is absent.

Air entrainment is required in fiber-reinforced concrete for any mix design purpose or for workability or other reasons like freezing-thawing resistance. When this air-entrainment is required is out of the scope of this post. Here we give limits for providing air-entrainment considering exposure conditions which prevail around desired concrete structure. We are providing a table for specifying air content that recommended by ASTM.

Recommended Total Air Content for Air-Entrained Concrete

The air content provided in table are optimum for particular size of aggregate and corresponding exposure condition. The air content lower than that, produces a fiber reinforced concrete of less durability properties. The air content greater than that, produces a low strength concrete of having no further contribution to freezing-thawing resistance. In the next post the ordering information that have to provide to purchase fiber reinforced concrete of desired properties

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