How is Concrete Blockage Occurred During Concrete Pumping?

In concrete pumping concrete blockage is the main problem. When it is observed that concrete does not comes out at the end section of pipeline and pump is working right then it is obvious that in any portion of pumping system blockage is happened. At tapered end of the pump most blockage are observed. Any of the following or combination of them may result blockage in pipeline:

a. Concrete mix is not suitable to pump

b. Pipeline deficiencies

c. Joint deficiencies

d. Unskilled operator

e. Improper use of hose end

In the previous post we have discussed how to make pumpable concrete? There should not be doubt that pumpable concrete is whether good or not. The pumpable concrete can be designed to any desired strength. Sometimes blockage can be occurred due to application of admixture like accelerating admixtures, use of high strength cement and high temperature.

Concrete blockage in pipeline during pumping
In case of pipeline deficiencies, a pipeline of uncleaned condition, worn-out hose, having too sharp and too many bends, joints that get worn-out, may result blockage.

In case of operators carelessness, insufficient supply of grout to lubricate complete pipeline length prior commencing concrete pumping and to lubricate hose as well. Carelessness in handling the rubber made flexible end hose. Sometimes unexpected bending may result blockage. Intermittent pumping may also cause blockage.


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