How can Maintenance of Concrete Mixing Machine be Done?

Mixing of concrete is very important as a through and proper mixing produce a uniform concrete of homogeneous mass. It is desired to produce a mix of uniform consistency and color to have good workable concrete to facilitate placing and compaction work followed by mixing process. Now-a-days almost all concrete are mixed with concrete mixing machine for either reinforced concrete or mass concrete of large volume. Machine mixing is the most efficient method of mixing and in regard to economy it also provides economy to concrete production when a large scale concrete production is required. The time consumption for mixing concrete is also a fact to be considered.
Drum of concrte mixture in tilted position not carch rainwater and supported on firm support
Many types of mixer are available in concrete industry and their suitability is different depending on purpose to be served. Whatever the type it is very important to keep mixing running throughout the concreting work up to desired construction joint concreting are achieved. Thus nonstop concreting operation is very important in concrete industry. This purpose can only be achieved if concrete mixture is well maintained.
Blades catch concrete should clean after concreting operation
The mixer should be placed at the construction site on a leveled and firm platform. The blades with drum must always be cleaned after concreting operation. The skip must have proper support like sand bag cushion and should operate carefully. In case of not use, it should be noticed that the drum does not catch rain water or other source of water. In this regard; the drum can be kept covered or can be kept tilted position. 


  1. The concrete mixer definitely needs to be maintained. I would keep the blades clean after each use and make sure when you use it, it is on a level surface. It operates best when flat.

    James |

  2. How big are the mixers in the pictures you have? I am thinking about starting a concrete business for smaller jobs. I'm not really sure what kind of mixer to get for that sort of work. These mixers you put in the article seem to be a good fit, but I'm not sure.

  3. That is once old looking concrete mixer. There really are many different kinds of concrete mixers out there. I really need to use one myself so I can lay the new concrete down in the back yard. I should probably look into getting a simple one to cut down on costs because I am already over budget.

    Zach Thalman |

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