What is Microsilica?

Microsilica can be used in concrete and refractory materials. Microsilica ,when used in concrete, it can improve concrete’s properties such as compressive strength, bond strength and abrasion resistance, reduces permeability,and therefore helps in protecting reinforcing steel from corrosion. At the same time, Microslica can still be used in the procustion of refractory and porcelain, to raise intensity and durability, it also can be used in paint, coating resin rubber and other high molecular as a filler material to improve the material overall performance.

Use of Microsilica concrete

• Increased strength – faster construction, better design,reduced volume.

• Reduced permeability – more durable, less chance of gaseous escape, less attack from chemicals.

Microsilica concrete in Civaux ll Nuclear power plant, Poitiers, France
• Reduced cement content – use of SCMs.

• Reduced heat – less cracking.

• Greater lifetime – less repairs, greater security

• Better economics and a safer construction.
Microsilica concrete in  Civaux ll Nuclear power plant, Poitiers, France.

Microsilica is used in concrete for the double wall linings. The Inner wall is prestressed and outer wall is reinforced where Inner wall contains any radioactive release in case of a catastrophic failure.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice information. You can also visit Precision Drawell website for Micro Silica Manufactures In India.
