Revision for the ACI Shotcrete Nozzlemen Specifications

Many specifications are in need of revision because they do not require any level of nozzleman qualification, and some need revision because the qualification they require is outdated. The ACI Shotcrete Nozzlemen Certification program is the latest product of the ongoing initiative to promote certification of shotcrete nozzleman, originating with ACI Committee 506’s initial development of its “Guide to Certifying Shotcrete Nozzlemen,” ACI 506.3R, first published by ACI in 1982. Until the release of the current program, this document was the sole source of information guiding the qualification of shotcrete nozzlemen to ACI standards, and performed a crucial function for the industry while the formal program was under development—for their foresight, ACI Committee 506 is to be commended. However, with inception of the current program, ACI 506.3R effectively became obsolete because the process it describes allows a greater degree of latitude to the certifying agency in its content and administration, which renders it less standardized and more subjective than the current ACI program. Unfortunately, ACI 506.3R has not yet been withdrawn and is still being specified and recognized by individuals overseeing project requirements.
Shotcreting with ACI Shotcrete Nozzlemen The retirement of the ACI 506.3R in its current form is imminent, as ACI Committee 506 is proceeding with action to formally withdraw the document so specifiers can replace reference to it in job specifications with reference to the ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman certification program. An appropriate citation may be “Any individual applying shotcrete must be certified as an ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman by the American Concrete Institute as outlined in ACI Certification publication CP-60.” Additional consideration should be given to whether the specification should state the type of process and/or the appropriate orientation of the test panel, for example: “Any individual applying shotcrete must be certified as an ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Wet Mix Process Vertical & Overhead by the American Concrete Institute as outlined in ACI Certification publication CP-60.” Once included in the project specifications, the professional responsible for overseeing compliance with the specification should also identify and incorporate a mechanism by which the requirements are enforced on the job site. 

The ultimate success of this industry initiative to regulate itself is dependent on the cumulative and concerted efforts of the entire concrete construction community. ACI and ASA are committed to the continued nurturing, guidance, and delivery of the ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman certification program, and we realize that awareness and communication are our most effective tools.

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