Different Types of Earth Pressure Cells, Their Applications and Construction of Isobar Diagram Using Them-13

2.6 Method of compaction

The precautions to be observed in protecting the cable from damage by heavy vibratory compaction equipment should also be observed in connection with the cell clusters. In general, all fine material in the instrument lenses should be placed by hand and compacted with pneumatic or gasoline backfill tampers. The first layers of transitional material over the lenses should be placed in 250 mm (≈10") lifts and similarly compacted until at least 500 mm (18") of material had been placed. At that time rubber-tired equipment can cross the lens location, but no vibratory rollers should be permitted across the lens until it is protected by a compacted thickness of at least 1 meter (≈ 3 feet).

Earth Pressure Cells clusters, placed according to the methods outlined above, may be installed either in trenches, below the temporary embankment grade, or in ramps above the temporary embankment grade. In dams, for example, it is usually convenient to install in trenches in the impervious rolled fill core, and in ramps in the filter zones and compacted rock fill shell zones.

Earth Pressure Cell Installation
Figure 2.8 - Earth Pressure Cell Installation
In earth embankments it is convenient to install in trenches. By so doing, adequate degrees of compaction of the backfill can be more easily obtained without damage to the cell clusters or cable arrays. As the cells are being covered and compacted, repeated readings should take to ensure that the cells are continuing to function properly.

In embankments, cables may be embedded in a protective covering of sand or selected fine embankment materials. A typical installation might, for example, comprise the positioning of a series of cables on a prepared layer consisting of not less than 200 mm (8") of compacted selected fine material. In order to establish an acceptable grade without undue interference with construction operations, the prepared layer may be located either in a trench or on an exposed ramp. In rock fill dams with earth fill cores, for example, it is frequently convenient to install cable in trenches in the core and fine filter zones, and in ramps in the coarse filter and compacted rock fill shell zones. Individual cables should be spaced not less than 12 mm (0.5") apart, and no cable should be closer than 150 mm (6") to the edge of the prepared layer. In instances in which cables must cross each other, or in which more than one layer of cables must be placed in a given array, the cables should be separated from each other by a vertical interval of not less than 50 mm (2") of hand-compacted sand or selected fine embankment material. Since the elongation capability of electrical cable is quite substantial, it is not necessary to place the cable with "S" shaped meanders, which in any case serve no purpose.

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