Bangladesh Building Construction Rules 2008

These rules superseded the previous Building Construction (BC) rules of 1984. These rules seek to control development plot‐by‐plot and case‐by‐case. It controls development by imposing conditions on set backs, site coverage, construction of garages, access to plot, provision of lift, land use of that particular plot and height of building. Restricting the height of a building in BC Rules 1996 helps to control the density of an area and manage the growth of the city in some way.

The Dhaka Metropolitan Building Construction Rules 200810 superseded the earlier set of rules issued in 1996 for the Dhaka Metropolitan Area and provided more authority to RAJUK in the following way;

1. Clear‐cut responsibility to monitor the development of the city,

2. Spread out the responsibilities to various actors,
3. Spelled out responsibilities of building designers, structural engineers, site supervisors and their penalties etc.
Toppled five‐storey building at BEGUN BARI
One of the most significant improvements is the introduction of Floor Area Ratio (FAR). To manage the growth of the city it provides rules of building coverage area, allowable floor space and relation among building height ‐ road width and plot size.

Effectiveness of the new BCR rules will depend on how successfully implementation of these rules can be effected by RAJUK in a transparent way and keeping themselves away from corruption.

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