Symptoms of Foundation Failure

A building has two parts sub-structure and super-structure. The portion that support the building, transmitting safely the gravity as well as lateral loads(both wind and seismic loading) to the soil using bearing capacity of soil, is called foundation. Foundation is sub-structure. It is very important, most accurately, most important part of the building. The stability of foundation depends on many factors and the unpredictable behavior of soil, make it more difficult. To restrengthen the weak and unstabile foundation before failure it is important to determine the signs of foundation failure. Some common signs are given below: 

  • Large gaps in door frames
    Large gaps in door frames
    Windows and doors are sticking, hard to open

  • There are large gaps in window and door frames

  • Interior plaster walls are cracking

  • Multiple nail pops are appearing in ceilings and walls

    A) Nail pops are appearing in ceilings and walls <br />B) Window and/or door trim are developing spaces

    A) Nail pops are appearing in ceilings and walls

    B) Window and/or door trim are developing spaces
Leaned wall

  • Walls are beginning to lean noticeably
    Plaster walls are cracking

  • Window and/or door trim are developing spaces
  • Floors are starting to settle and become uneven
  • Chimneys are tilting or leaning
  • Foundations are sinking
  • Cracks can be seen in foundations or basement walls

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