India Real Estate - Ultimate Earthquake Protection Technology for Highrise Buildings Now in India

Taylor Devices Inc, the world leaders in seismic protection technology have their operations in India through their representative company Taylor Devices India Pvt. Ltd. Taylor Devices manufacture Seismic Dampers which are installed on buildings and bridges for earthquake safety. The patented technology has been developed by Taylor Devices after decades of research and testing. Initially the technology was used only for aerospace and military applications however sine the mid nineties has found its way in civilian applications.

Dampers absorb and mitigate the Earthquake vibrations thereby ensuring that the building where they are installed stays unharmed. Taylor dampers have been successfully installed in over 250 projects worldwide and have found great success in countries like US, Japan, Taiwan and China.

Buildings that have dampers installed achieve a protection standard that is far higher than a building without dampers.
Seismic Hazard Map of India
Peak Ground Acceleration (m/s2) with 10% Probability of Exceedance in 50 years
India lies in an active seismic zone with over 59% of the country falling in the moderate to high seismic zones. All the metropolitan cities are either in Zone 3 or 4 which are considered at risk. Government of India has recently changed its outlook towards earthquake risk from a relief centric approach to that of a proactive approach, incorporating risk reduction by mitigation measures. Based on this philosophy the Government has issued Earthquake guidelines with the slogan “Zero tolerance to avoidable deaths due to earthquakes”. This is a tall order and will see the resolve tested when it comes to implementing tough decisions. In India, land is a State subject and even though the earthquake guidelines are in the public interest many State authorities may consider them to be an infringement by the Union Government.
India’s economic growth over the last decade and the recent seismic activity in the Sub-Continent has left it more vulnerable than ever. India is yet to adopt the international best practices in planning and design. Buildings in Indian are not yet designed to Operational, Immediate Occupancy and Life Safety standards.

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