Update of FUKUSHIMA Crisis(01/4/2011)

The massive 9.0-magnitude quake and the tsunami on 11 March have killed more than 11,000 people, with at least 16,700 people still missing across north-eastern Japan along with a massive Nuclear crisis. Today’s update of this crisis are:
*  Reactor 1: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas explosion. Radioactive water detected in reactor and basement, and groundwater

* Reactor 2: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas blast; containment damage suspected. Highly radioactive water detected in reactor and adjoining tunnel

* Reactor 3: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas blast; containment damage possible. Spent fuel pond partly refilled with water after running low. Radioactive water detected in reactor and basement

* Reactor 4: Reactor shut down prior to quake. Fires and explosion in spent fuel pond; water level partly restored

* Reactors 5 & 6: Reactors shut down. Temperature of spent fuel pools now lowered after rising high

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