The Basics of Selective Demolition

(Copyright (c) 2010 Nadine Davis)Whether it's an industrial building, like a factory, or a residential home, selective demolition is a suitable way to ensure safe, orderly demolition. Demolition is conducted for a number of reasons; sometimes, it's done to completely eliminate a building. In that case, a Demolition firm would probably handle the job. Other times, it's done to make way for remodelling - this is usually the case with residential demolitions. Learn more about how the process works below.

Why is Selective Demolition Used?

There are many key reasons to use selective demolition. Safety definitely tops the list. Blindly going in and demolishing a building - without knowing what kinds of components are inside it - can cause many serious hazards. Sometimes, various components can trigger explosions when they are demolished; other times, dangerous chemicals can be released into the atmosphere. With selective demolition, a building is carefully examined and potentially dangerous components are safely disposed of beforehand.

Another reason to use selective demolition is to salvage recyclable or reusable parts and components. Rushing into demolishing a kitchen for example, without thinking about it first, means that possibly valuable items and fixtures could end up as filler at the dump. Instead of doing that, selective demolition pulls these useful components out of the way before being conducted. That way, nothing is wasted and as little material goes into landfills as possible. In turn, the environment is less negatively impacted than it would be. This is a smart, responsible - and financially sound - way to conduct these sorts of matters.

How Does Selective Demolition Work?

Separation and sorting are at the heart of any selective demolition job. That separation ad sorting can be used to pull potentially dangerous materials from a building, or it can be used to set aside recyclable or otherwise valuable components. A Concrete Cutting firm, for example, will work its way through a site; as they do this, the removal of many components is completed and separation is done so that the balance of the area can be demolished away from the saveable stuff. Later, those components are sorted through. In some cases, they are disposed of safely; in others, they are set aside for recycling or reuse.

If you own an older home, it is imperative to use selective demolition. The biggest reason for this is asbestos. Although asbestos has been removed from many homes, it still lurks in plenty of older ones. If a demolition is performed in an area that contains asbestos, those harmful fibres can be unleashed into the surrounding area. Anyone who is working on the site can be exposed to asbestos; later, they can develop mesothelioma. That risk, and many others, can be largely averted through selective demolition. Always keep selective demolition in mind before conducting any major renovations.

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