Individual Water Supply System

In the absence of a public water supply, the individual potable water source shall be used to supply water in a distribution system. The following water sources may be used for individual water supply purposes:

1. Drilled well
2. Dug well
3. Driven well
4. Spring
5. Infiltration gallery
Water requirements

The capacity of source shall be sufficient to meet water supply requirements ( will be discussed in next blog).
Water quality

Water from developed well or cistern shall meet the potable water water quality standard requirements specified by WHO.


The well or cistern shall be chlorinated after their construction or repair.

Location of water source

The minimum distance of water source and pump suction line from potential sources of contamination shall be in accordance with table-1.

Well construction

Location of water table

The individual water supply shall not be developed from a water bearing stratum with water table at a depth less than 3 m below the ground surface.

Outside casing

The outside water tight casing shall have to be installed for each well up to a depth of at least 3 m below the ground surface and shall project at least 150 mm above the ground surface. The lower end of the casing shall be sealed in an impermeable stratum or extend into the water bearing stratum. The size of the casing shall be large enough to permit the installation of an independent drop pipe. The casing may be of concrete, tile, or galvanized or corrugated metal pipe. The annular space between the casing and the earth shall be filled with grout to a minimum depth of 3 m. For flood prone regions, top of the casing or pipe sleeve shall be at least 300 mm above the flood level.

Well Cover

All potable wells shall be equipped with a watertight cover overlapping the top of the casing or pipe sleeve. For dug or bored well, the overlap and downward extension of the cover shall be at least 50 mm outside the well casing or well. The annular space between the casing or pipe sleeve and the drop pipe shall have a watertight sealing.

Drainage from Well Platform or Pump House

The construction of well platform or pump house shall be such that this will drain away from the well by gravity.

Pumping Equipment

The design, installation and construction of pumps shall be such that they will not permit the entrance of any contaminating material into the well or water supply system. The pump shall be accessible for inspection, maintenance and repair.

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